Pentagon Reveals Latest Reported UFO Video

The Pentagon declassified the video in which an unidentified flying object (UFO) is seen while moving, at high speed, very close to a commercial airplane
The images were recorded on January 15, 2023, the date from which 366 UFO reports were recorded, according to the director of the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) of the United States Department of Defense, Sean Kirkpatrick. The clip shows that the recorded UFO is moving in the opposite direction of the commercial plane and, according to experts, it represents one of the clearest documents that have managed to capture an object that could not be identified.

Sean Kirkpatrick, who heads a secret US military unit tasked with studying close encounters dating back 80 years, revealed that his team was currently investigating 650 cases. That’s an increase from 140 in the last three months, with Kirkpatrick confirming that 52% of UFOs were spheres.

Most were one to four meters wide, white, silver or translucent and were seen flying between 3,000 and 9,000 meters high, putting them in the areas of military and passenger aircraft, the Daily Star reports. They fly up to 2,469 km per hour, which is more than twice the speed of sound. The fastest passenger plane in the world, the Airbus 380, has a top speed of 1,184 km per hour. Kirkpatrick said the UFOs had no apparent engine and produced no thermal exhaust and only showed up on radar intermittently.

without any explanation Kirkpatrick informed a US Senate Armed Services subcommittee that while some of the 650 sightings may have been of “mundane” objects, such as high-altitude weather balloons. Man-made drones or quad-helicopters, about “half” of the cases were interesting” with no apparent explanation so far, Daily Star reports. But some sightings may never be resolved, he warned. Although his team had so far found no credible evidence “of extraterrestrial activity,” the researchers couldn’t rule out that they might make such a historic discovery.

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